After a long discussion about “Where I want to celebrate my 30. Birthday?” we came up with the idea to spend this special day in Seoul – one of our favorite cities in the world. Around two years ago we’ve already been in Seoul and I fell in love with the city, the culture and the food. Let me show you how we spend my special day…

I hope this gave a small glimpse into the day. Thanks to everyone who made it special to me with video- and voice-calls, messages or just thinking into my general direction. It was a truly unique and wonderful day. Even though I missed my family a lot <3
Ey Katja, alles Gute nachträglich! Super schöne Fotos, nur: die Kniestrümpfe mit Sandalen sind schon etwas grenzwertig… aber was weiß ich schon über Fashion…
Hey Markus, Danke! Ich dachte das mit den Kniestümpfen kann man schon so tragen, fällt bestimmt niemanden auf ^^